

“It takes an average of 17 years for 14% of research to translate into practice. Many patients, as a result, experience significant delays or never get offered interventions proven to improve health.” (Institute of Human Virology – Baltimore)

At EPAdb we’ve gathered some tools and resources to help our users to its translating practices and needs, hoping that it facilitates clinical decision making and/or investigations.

Tripdatabase 8-point scoring system.  A toolt to  facilitate Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) scoring.

RobotReviewer tool

“RobotReviewer is a drag-and-drop system for providing automatic annotations from clinical trials (in PDF format). Currently, RobotReviewer provides data on the trial PICO characteristics, and also automatically assesses trials for likely biases using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool.”

CAT – Critically Appraised Topic ManagerCAT – Critically Appraised Topic Manager A tool, partially and freely adapted by the EPAdb team from CEBMa CAT Critically Appraised Topic Manager App. It aims, in 5 to 10 minutes, to assist users to critically appraise the trustworthiness of Reviewes and Randomized Controlled Studies.
A tool, partially and freely adapted by the EPAdb team from CEBMa CAT Critically Appraised Topic Manager App.

It aims, in 5 to 10 minutes, to assist users to critically appraise the trustworthiness of Reviewes and Randomized Controlled Studies. 

Theoretical calculation of the amount (in mg) of the product administered during the iontophoresis treatment.

Iontophoresis dose calculation

Some essential web pages institutions. Essential institutions wep pages.

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