

8. July 2020 – New EPAdb Tools

We’ve improved our Tools page.
Now,  you can easily and rapidly assess RC trials for likely biases (in accordance with Cochrane Risk of Bias) using Artificial Intelligence,  appraise Systematic Reviews, and RCT papers or theoretically calculate the amount (in mg) of the product administered during the iontophoresis treatment.

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 7. June 2020 – Cooling and Exercise

Core body temperature rises during exercise as an important role in athletic performance.

Its importance in physiologic optimization is well studied and recognize, but its relevance in some athletic impairment performances is also not negligible. 

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 6. May 2020 – Diathermy

Diathermy (from the Greek through heating) is a High-frequency electrotherapeutic modality that produces deep thermal and non-thermal therapeutic effects related to nerve condition, metabolic and function improvement of cell and tissues. Read Newsletter

 5. January 2020 – The tendon

The tendon is an inelastic fibrous connective tissue that provides a strong connection between bone and muscle, in order to promote structural stability and assisting movement. Read Newsletter

 4. December 2019 –  Inflammation

Inflammation is the body natural reaction to any aggression (biological, chemical, mechanical…).
It is the immune system response to defend and restore homeostasis and morphostasis.
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 2. October 2019 –  LASER

LASER uses light energy (phototherapy) to photobiomodulate celular activity and tissues to treat health conditions, especially, in surgery, rehabilitation, dentistry, ophthalmology and dermatology. Read Newsletter


3.  November 2019 – Whole Body Vibration

WBV is a mechanical modality (mechanotherapy) aimed to improve, especealy but not exclusive, body composition, muscular and neuromuscular performance, and cardiovascular health, using body’s natural reflexive response to vibration. Read Newsletter

1.  September 2019 – Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

ESWT is a technic that uses acoustic pulses (shocks) to generate pressure waves (vibrotherapy) with therapeutic energy to treat health conditions like musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, urologic and neurologic disorders.  Read Newsletter

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